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Biografi om Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki (leder OL i Athen)

Started by Liv, 12. Jan 08, 15:09:06

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Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki

Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki is a famous Greek politician and business woman who was born in Heraklion, Crete.

Seen here organising the Athens 2004 Olympics with Jacques Rogge, the President of the International Olympic Committee.

Gianna or Mrs A, as she is known, was the President of the Athens Organising Committee for the Olympic Games in 2004 and is widely credited with their success. She earlier was President of the Bidding Committee that won the games back to Greece.

Who is this powerful and successful woman of Greece, a modern woman of famous Crete?

Gianna Daskaláki was born to simple means in Heraklion in 1955, her mother was a cleaner and her father was a warden. She focussed on her studies and became a top student. Then she studied law at the University of Thessaloniki. In Athens she was elected as a municipal councillor then as a member of parliament in 1989 and 1990, on the side of the conservative New Democracy party.

In 1990 she married Theodore Angelopoulos, a Greek yachtsman and entrepreneur. She retired from politics and contributes to his shipping business, they also have three children. She is a member of the Athens Bar Association. In 1994, she was named Vice-Chair of Harvard University\'s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

In 1998 she was appointed Ambassador at Large for Greece. In 2001 she was ranked among the top 50 women managers by Forbes and Fortune magazines.

 Gianna and Greece's outstanding success with the Olympic Games has inspired people all over the world, and why she is a part of famous Crete. In particular, Greece was being watched intensely and many anticipated she would fail at the delivery of the games. The infrastructure of Athens, the transport networks and many other aspects of the games, put a lot of pressure on Greece, especially after increased terrorist attacks around the world.

Gianna said \"We wanted the Games to unify the people of Greece; to instil within us a new sense of pride; to push our economy ahead; and to make our capital city a more beautiful and liveable place. We asked that these Games resolve, once and for all, what I have called 'The Greek Paradox.'" With this achievement she has become a part of famous Crete.

"Personally, I am most inspired by the way Greeks of every background came together in pursuit of a single goal," she added. "This unprecedented unity, in the face of extraordinary pressure, is the surest proof yet that the Greek Paradox is rapidly becoming a relic of an earlier age." Quoted from a speech at Harvard University in 2005.

At that time she and her husband contributed to a new professorship in Public Health and International Development at the university.

In the very male-dominated political and business world of Greece, Gianna is a powerful role model for Greek women and a change agent for the country. Greece frequently ranks at the lower end of female representation in politics, trade unions and government amongst the European nations. Many rumours exist about Gianna becoming the President of Greece.

No matter about party politics, everyone enjoyed the Athens Olympic games and every Greek everywhere around the world was proud of the achievement. Now Greece has shown the world and herself what modern Greece is capable of, and she is evolving into a thriving modern European nation, shrugging off the economic ties and wounds of the 20th century and expressing her freedom in the 21st century.


Ja, det var ett klös i den dama, det är helt säkert, och hon/dom klarade det som de färresta hade trott skulle vara möjligt! Men, det kostade skjortan, jag kommer inte ihåg siffran idag, men skulden lär inte vara betald än på många år, trots hjälp den gången av en \"god\" inflation. Nu rycker EU hårdare i trådarna, när ekonomien urholkas på sådant sätt. Att göra slut på andras pengar är det lättaste som finns. Men som sagt den grekiska paradoxen är ingen paradox längre - nu har dom bevisat att dom kan, om dom vill! Och ett OS som går till historien tycker jag att dom skapade.
Så återstår att se vad Peking eventuellt kan göra bättre. London, om 4 år, har ju redan sprängt sin budget med nästan 50 %!!!
Varför planera - när det ändå inte blir som man tror

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